One winter during my deer hunts, a squirrel came into my ladder stand and sat on my boot. I was probably in the stand 15 times that winter, and this probably happened 10 times. I've never wanted a spirit animal, so I'll pass on that. I'm thinking it was for the warmth. I never got a picture of it because if I moved suddenly, which I would have to do to get my phone out and turn it on, he'd bolt. Or she'd bolt. It would bolt. Fun times....

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ie should one refrain from saying the word "indian" when amongst native americans....it was his first question but you launched from there lol

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My usual analogy: "Native American" is semi-formal and "Indian" is casual. White liberals should use "Native American" when they're amongst...other white liberals. At least 90% (and probably more like 98%) of Indians call themselves Indians. The only Indians who don't like being called Indians are of a certain leftist academic political activist group. And among them, "indigenous" is the required nomenclature. But ""indigenous" has become generic and is now used by any brown American who has any indigenous ancestry to any other brown country. Indigenous no longer describes who we Indians are. Strangely enough, Indian is the most accurate name for us now.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Just got some space to catch up on Substack and that video made my day. I missed it 15 years ago but it’s still fresh! Sorry to hear your spirit animal is squirrel. It is my arch gardening enemy🐿️☠️🧑‍🌾

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Thank you! Great emojis!

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"Shaman Perplexy" That's a great nickname your friend gifted you.

Two of my favorites. Colbert & Alexie!

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Thank you, Greg.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I like both these stories. I even like your mockery of white folks like me. It's funny and we deserve it. But I think it's okay that we are called by certain animals to learn from them. I happen to think the octopus is the most awesome of animals, although I totally love elephants too.

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Octopi and elephants are among the most amazing beings on earth.

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Colbert and Jon S. kept me alive during the shock and awful ‘W’ days; we still suffer from Bush’s kharma. Thx for link to your appearance...[My secret Hamster mentions fyi that ‘coincidence’ and ‘squirrel 2’ may be off a letter.]

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I'm gonna fire my proofreader! Thanks!

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You were on it! He never had a chance.

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Thank you, Yvonne.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

"unlike the rest of voters we Indians vote for the good of everybody not just our little group" what a great interview....now i can see in flesh why your film"Smoke Signals" is such a sublime rare treat... had Colbert on his toes from get-go and the "Massacre Motor Inn" somewhere up in spirit world George Carlin is cackling ...... you never did answer his original question would you here ???

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Thanks. I don't remember the original question!

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Lovely, man. Really appreciate the rhythm of your writing---it is so distinct.

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Thank you, Andrew.

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So glad to have seen the Colbert Report video - one of the best! In the Great Lakes region (or maybe just my backyard), baby squirrels don't get lost. They wander and then find their way back home. Maybe the same elsewhere in the U.S. I have to write this or I'll worry about that likely now-dead squirrel forever.

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Yes, that squirrel made it home. I'll go with that, too.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Great stuff! The critters know, man, they know!!;

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Thanks, Jason.

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie


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Thanks, Jen.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

The interview is hilarious -- and you were great! I couldn't help thinking that this interview along with Colbert would be so CANCELED by today's culture police of the perpetually aggrieved and the forever angry. Can't laugh or joke about anything anymore. Good for you for holding your own.

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Thank you, Reena. Yeah, my entire sense of humor is punishable...punished...

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Because the humorless are in charge!

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Aug 13, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

That film clip is unavailable in Aotearoa alas. I read that you were a huge hit & that there was a call for you to take over the show when Colbert left. Any interest in such a gig?

I do like Shaman Perplexy as a nickname!

Love that kind of indigenous humour. Flattering with a quirk.

Gotta be amused by the squirrel on your boot too. Synchronicity!

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Thanks. I'm not built for a regular job with regular hours!

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Awesome interview. Man, I miss getting to see you in person.

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Thank you, James. I'll be back on the road at some point.

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That would be awesome. You are greatly missed.

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Dude I am CRYING laughing.

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Hahaha! Thanks, Blake.

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