Stronger, yes. Braver? Brilliant. Words. The last poem made me think of explorers in their woolie jumpers and jackets, and hob nailed boots. The TV. The glasses dancing on the bed. Your son's too old to carry your body. I hope so.

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“Don't you know

that almost

everything used to be



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Thank you! All of these are amazing. The line "everything used to be stronger" will be stuck in my head for quite a while now.

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Thank you. These are so wonderful and my own life feels so connected to each one. Oh boy did “everything used to be stronger.”

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Happy Native American Heritage Day!

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We had an old, blond wood TV cabinet. I don't remember it ever having the heavy tube. It was always gutless as far as I knew. As youngster, we stood inside the cabinet and made our own shows.

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Love all five especially evolution.

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Our tv got snow. That’s all. We had radio Winans town. Hoodriver. 1957.

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To want. Is maybe. A song. To ask is that hand you need.

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Hereditary... The endless need to be cradled

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Great poetry, man! I copied a few out. I like the evolution one in the middle age one.

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Delightful suite--esp the long life & mid-age love song. Which probably tells you kore about me/us than it does anything else. Reviewing poems over the years, I often thought it just comes down to "I really like these" or "I really don't like them."

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I love these. Simple, powerful, heart-wrenching.

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I enjoyed Ths Reservation Broadcasting System

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I liked the TV one.

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Used to love driving from Albuquerque up to Windowrock so we could hear the disc jockeys do the KFC commercials on the radio in Diné. Res broadcasting at it's finest

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