Love the Moyers clip - and whoa about Covid. Glad you got through it. My doctor, Covid careful beyond most, recently got Covid and it hit his eyes too- both retinas detached - awful and unanticipated. He’s back in the saddle too but it wasn’t easy.

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So sorry the nasty buggar tracked you down. Oh damn! recovery is the best revenge! May you prevail deeply rested and refreshed - though that may take a while to kick in!

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So sorry to read this news! I just came back from vacationing in my home state of Vermont with family and have Covid! Similar symptoms! I was deluding myself thinking I had some special gene that was protecting me since I am surrounded by students. I am back to being a humbled human who feels horrible.

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BLASPHEMY on the way to pass through our summer heat.

May your twilight lightning cold stream dream spirits slide you further and further back to good better best health.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Hope all is going well, now. Sending you love and strength, just in case.

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I hope you feel better, Sherman. I very much enjoy your work. Rest up and we'll see you soon.

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Continued good wishes from Albuquerque where even Walfart is hot...Having weird creative white guy thoughts/needs to carry this card to hand out to Native Americans quietly cruisin’ the aisles; card would read:

“Get home safe and please read Sherman Alexie! “

Keep on restin’.

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Since "getting well" means throwing up to a lot of Natives, I'll just say "Get Better!"

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Oh no! Feel better ❤️‍🩹

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Kia kaha, Sherman! ( Stay strong).

Wishing you a smooth transition to full recovery.

If you feel like some topical reading, I recommend the Covid memoir by Mark Lanegan ' Devil In A Coma'. It's a Hieronymus Bosch painting in literature. Prose and poetry.

Just read your '...True Diary...' Spokane humour is a lot like Māori humour! Perfect book. Incredulous that it's banned

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I was on a few days' vacation, wondered how the "Smoke Signals" event in Bellingham went, and find out now you were down with COVID - I hope you are healing and stay healthy, and that your family members are all well.

Wonderful poem - made me laugh.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Get well soon, my friend

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Do want you need to get better...rest, fluids, more rest. We'll be here, when you are well!

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Feel better soon Sherman. I had COVID in 2021 and it was horrible and scary. Take your time and rest up.

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Those 6 Covid shot experiments seem to be doing a great job [at making Pfizer hundreds of billions of dollars]

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Thanks for being the number one poet in my life just now. Get all the rest you need. Rest is the gray area of life. But you knew that.

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