—those instant coffee pouches made by the corporation us leftists pretend to hate —that cereal that rakes the roof of your mouth but makes you nostalgic for childhood —that can of mixed nuts that doesn’t contain peanuts because if you buy one that contains peanuts then it will contain about 70% peanuts because peanuts are cheaper, yes, but don’t taste anywhere as good as cashews, walnuts, almonds, and those little green ones —lactose-free milk because the ability to digest lactose is mostly a Northern European trait and you’re not Northern European —100% wheat bread, though you distrust anything that claims to be 100% of anything because it reeks of religious, political, and cultural fundamentalism —grape jelly, even though you read somewhere that the FDA allows a jar of jelly to have like 27 insect parts, and that’s disgusting, but all of us will be eating crickets, ants, and mealworms after the apocalypse, so maybe you should think of eating slightly infested jelly as practice for an unpredictable future —natural peanut butter, and yes, this contradicts your opinion of peanuts, but peanut is to peanut butter as tomato is to ketchup —AAA batteries, but wait, no, maybe you need AA batteries, shit, okay, buy both types —a dozen eggs, but don’t check to see if any of them are broken because you like to gamble and it’s like playing the lottery or, God, don’t say this aloud, it’s like playing twelve simultaneous games of chicken —a box of those cheap cigars, which you never smoke but purchase maybe twice a year because they remind you of your late father —a bag of toilet paper rolls even though they are less expensive at Target but you have no plans to go to Target anytime soon so you might as well buy them here —a pack of Big League Chewing Gum because it reminds you of that walk-off home run that Joe Carter hit to win the World Series in 1993 —a bouquet of tulips to put on your mother’s grave, though she’s not dead, so you lean the flowers against your mother’s front door at 2 a.m so they fall into the house in the morning when she goes out to grab the morning paper, and you’ve done this maybe a dozen times since your father died, and it makes your mother laugh and mourn and feel beloved —make another list of everything you’ve ever forgotten to put on a grocery list and that will remind you of all the times you loved somebody who didn’t love you back.
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