Wow. Such an incredibly well aimed shot in the bull's eye. Like you are talking about me and my family, but then with a selection of words put in such an order as I could only aspire to managing.

Thank you fro writing this.

I hope the gathering brings what you wish.

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Thank you, Arjan.

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Lightning can strike twice into the same heart. I am older than I ever thought I would be. Have missed my share of lightning bolts…

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Such a straight forward and honest ‘look ahead’. I think you may outlast all of your siblings, as what you have been and still go through health wise has only made you stronger. A+

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We'll see. Meningiomas do recur and sometimes in more difficult places to reach.

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fyi - ND regional poetry chapbook contest open through March 17, 2023 - student printing certification program - https://ndsupress.submittable.com/submit

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Another great one Sherman, because it touched a nerve. You are so accurate with these tidbits, especially for someone like me who has lost many film-family members, parents and other artist friends lately. I've lost count. In an internet series a Native woman offered the lead character good tidings, with, "Have a good death." I like to remind myself that everything is a "life or life" situation. So, THANKS AGAIN. PS, if U still have my old email say hello there, and I'll send U a link for a doc on me, in-progress, that shows my NM digs, and happily celebrates my film book of 35 years back. Love, R

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Thank you, Rick, for the good response. You can head over to my website and use the contact form there to send your email to me. That way, we keep it private. Shermanalexie.com

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Immensely powerful, Sherman. My sister died 11 years ago, and my mother died five days later. My father had passed away decades before. So I was, and am, the only one left in our little family, and despite not being in the bloom of youth I felt somehow adrift, unmoored, and your poem resonates with me on that level.

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Oh, those deaths so close together. You're an adult orphan.

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Yes. Weird, right? His knows how kids cope.

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Maybe our own sense of mortality as adults plays more into it.

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Yes, I think that's right.

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Wow. Thank You so much. For the short but extremely powerful poem, the image of the tree your father planted, the song, and the poem you added in the comments. It's just my sister and I, pretty close in age, no telling which of us will go first, who will spend time without the other. Our father planted a Doug Fir in our yard when I was in first or second grade, it is probably 50 or 60 foot tall by now. The words that really struck me in the song are "maybe time running is a gift". Words to meditate on. The poem you added deserves a post of it's own. Thank You again

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Thank you, Steve. That Doug Fir sounds like a monument. I posted that poem from the comments section on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Co_AoTwvL_-/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Beautiful haunting piece Sherman. All these comments proving your prescient words.

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Thank you, Mary Kay. Yes, so mant powerful responses to my poem. I'm honored.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

a little off subject...listened to "If We Were Vampires"...the full lyric line

of the eponymous title reminded me of a Jim Jarmusch movie with Tilda Swinton..."Only Lovers Left Alive". Lot's of smoking by vampires in that movie.

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Yes, and then there's Ken Russell's Lair of the White Worm which has vampires beautifully languishing.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

LOL...yes! Ken Russell's movie's are CRAZY wild!

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Hahahaha. Yep!

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Your poems are all so personal -thank you for giving so much of yourself. The song is one of my favorites - I hear it often on KBCS.fm/91.3 fm.

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Thank you, Kate. I'll check out that station. I like that you listen to the radio.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Good one. Siblings, the crushing truth. I too have been moved by Isbell's "If We Were Vampires." Once you hear it, you can never forget it. Not only does he slit his own wrists, he slits yours too.

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Yeah, it is a brutal song.

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Thank you so much for this. It arrived the day before I move my older brother to a place where he will have more support and it's an emotional time. And the song is one I listened to much during the pandemic. I forwarded your email to my other siblings - hit quite an emotional spot.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I am calling a meeting with my little family this week. Nobody talks about this. We MUST talk about this. I will read your poem to them as inspiration. Thank you.

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Wow, my poem has inspired a real-life action. Thank you for that honor.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I wrote a poem about you once upon a long time ago. I thought it was about you, but maybe not, and is this fair? I'd only known you through your writings. Your poems are wonderful to read, but even better listened to, with your voice saying the words.


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Thank you. I enjoy doing the recordings. I miss being onstage.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I miss the performance too. Been lucky enough to see you in Spokane and Boise. Hope to have a chance again soon.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Sounds good. I am on board. Picked up a copy of your poems at Fact and Fiction in Missoula somewhere around 1996 and I’ve been on the train every since. Nothing is going to change that. Appreciate what you share with the world.

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Thank you, Travis! Since 1996! Wow!

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Old Shirts and New Skins. Autographed no less. A student permanently borrowed from me at some point. But no matter. Thanks again.

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Only thing now is Zoom readings. I'll be announcing a reading for paid subscribers soon.

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Oh, yes, it really is.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

So timely. My sister and I are in Florida helping our old dad who just had a stroke. The beauty of your work is like a small fire that burns quietly and softly, warming with wisdom and love and keeping the darkness at bay. Thank you, Sherman.

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Thank you so much, Tim. I wish all of you well.

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Really beautiful. I kind of like the thought of someone there to either keep a light burning or turn it off on the way out...

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The last one pinches shut the candle flame....

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