Jul 7, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I think I recall reading another version of your Pine as Pronoun and Verb elsewhere. Maybe. Regardless, this narrative incorporates the complex interlinked dimensions of perception and meaning I have come to associate with the work of S. Alexie. Thanks again.

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I might have published it on this Substack. There must be 100 posts her now. I love track.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I loved this story. It moved me to think of those left behind and unfinished business that will never be finished. I loved and was loved by my husband for a very short time. He changed me forever and I miss him everyday.

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Thank you, Meryl.

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spectacular picture, view!

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Yes, there are amazing photographers on Unsplash.

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yes, true, awesome amazing every kind of brand of life :)) but those put to my posts are mine :) Best regards

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I do not have the artistic skills of a photographer!

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these artistic skills when you finish your studies and start working, if you really love it, yes, they give a lot of joy, because it is known that not everyone is lucky to do what they like in life, but with time, and for me a lot of time has passed, it turns into everything into a routine, annoying customers, grumpy, demanding agencies, hours, days of sitting like a snowman in one place to catch that one shot, then weeks of processing at the computer until I forget in the morning? evening? which one is it today? it's like painting, seriously, you sit for days, weeks and paint one picture all the time, you see the effect, I see a lot of coffee drunk and cry because it doesn't work out, a million revisions and weeks of painting, like in my case, weeks of describing, and I know painting because we had two years because I graduated from architecture ... also, I'm sorry, I poured out my anger, ro , that I didn't choose such a major, for example, tourism ... or something related to mathematics. I too was blown away by the end results. :) :)

and i got fooled

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May 3, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Sherman - love your work. I am starting a movement to ask Substack to put in a poetry section on the website - https://substack.com/profile/10309929-david/note/c-15537618

Feel free to support, and thank you as always :)

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"The trees made sense." Kind of sentence that makes me giddy. Thanks for proving that short fiction can live on this platform and find the mark with a reader.

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Thank you, Jason!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Oh, how I hope my mistakes are forgivable. This story touches me so deeply. Thank you, Sherman.

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I am starting a movement to ask Substack to put in a poetry section on the website - https://substack.com/profile/10309929-david/note/c-15537618

Feel free to support, and thank you as always :)

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Thank you, Deborah.

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Oh, I love Petty but I don't know that song. I'll check it out. Have you seen that loooong documentary about him? It's amazing.

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I find this poem to be very sweet on many levels. It seems to be a good healthy picture for looking at the personal past, yet forever relationships. Seedlings seem to be able to take a bit of rooting in the barest most barren spaces (very true here in the High Desert). A musician, lyricist, Native Floridian (as am I) and a hero to me, Tom Petty has a wonderful song called, 'Honey Bee', with some of the same sentiments found in your poem set to the singing of one who died too soon. Thank you for this enjoyable 'read'.

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I am starting a movement to ask Substack to put in a poetry section on the website - https://substack.com/profile/10309929-david/note/c-15537618

Feel free to support, and thank you as always :)

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

"Good things don’t need to last a lifetime in order to be good." Such a prolific line. Appreciate you for sharing your writings, sir. Bless the land and people, hardships and triumphs, that gifted you this talent.

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Thank you! Is that Rez as in Indian reservation.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

Yes sir. Rez, as indicated.

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Which one?

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

I'm from the Navajo Nation..a lil place called Ft Defiance.

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Never been there but I hear stories!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

It has its moments. Haha..but it's home.

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i hope she dances like a honeybee too

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Thank you, Ashley.

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

This has stayed with me since I read it days ago. “The plant grows in every direction but the root remains”. I love it as a refrain, I love it as an image, I love it as a thought. I’m keeping it close.

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Thank you, Leigh. I’ve happy about the strong reaction to this story!

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Apr 29, 2023Liked by Sherman Alexie

This made me cry. You must be doing your job right.

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Thank you.

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Beautiful. I appreciate how it brings up that feeling—longing to be remembered, and loved—that I know so well.

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Thank you.

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I'm sensing Smoke Signals. Wonderfully done! A good reminder that we’re all (still) discovering ourselves through our relationships with others.

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Thank you!

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Brilliant! Thank you so much.

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Thank you, Donna.

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Funny, that’s what they said, too!

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