Sherman Alexie
Sherman a Alexie’s Substack Audio
On the Day that Elvis Died

On the Day that Elvis Died

a poem

On the day that Elvis died,
Our mother took
To the living room couch 
And cocooned herself

With grief.

We, her children, didn’t react.
We were accustomed 
To her displays of ostentatious 


She always emerged
From her days or weeks
Of self-exile. She’d stand,
Unfurl her wings, and fly

Into a domestic rage.

She’d wash dishes and vacuum
With a soldier’s fury.
The world is ending,
She’d say. The world
Is ending. She was addicted
To the apocalyptic. We,
Her children, would retreat
To our bedrooms, practicing
Neutrality as our mother fought

Her latest skirmish with doom.
Sherman Alexie
Sherman a Alexie’s Substack Audio
Poetry, fiction, and essays by Sherman a alexie
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Sherman Alexie