Gosh, I'm glad you write. It's always something I need or something that makes me think. Often both

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My favorite stanza:

My father owed his life

to that nameless criminal

with strong fists. I owe my life

to that same felon—to that thief

or murderer or something worse.

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dear sherman,

beautiful poems, thank you for sharing!

i love this:

"So, listen, I don't have time

for your theology, philosophy,

poetry, politics, and fiction

if they don't embrace all

of the eternal contradictions."

i have time for this!

thank you!



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For a portion of my life I was fueled by fear and I sustained the fire with my needs and doubts. I have always been, to some extent, been affected by your words. This poem more than some. Thanks Sherman

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Wow. I sit here with my eyes closed and listen to these in the morning. I breathe and reflect. Thank you.

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These are so great!

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I tried to catch a bumblebee in a jar in my backyard when I was six. It went down my shirt and stung me instead. I learned about karma that morning and that insects, even the awkward aerodynamically inferior ones deserved more respect. Sometimes lessons without a little pain just don’t stick. Loved all three Sherman.

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Your work lacks all the ornament a certain kind of high school teacher taught us to look for in poetry, and is always the more beautiful and powerful because of that. The individual words seem straightforward and unadorned, but they’re strung together in patterns that snag the eye and catch at the heart.

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I love these so much. And what an additional treat to hear you read them. Cannot get enough of 'doubt' and 'out' in the last poem.

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Thank you.

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I am very moved by these poems. Thank you.

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Eternal contradictions - great!

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Sherman, I envisioned you as a cartographer of humans’ ways of being, doing, and living. One line at a time.

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Beautiful. And these lines really resonated with me and made me chuckle in gratitude: “So, listen, I don't have time

for your theology, philosophy,

poetry, politics, and fiction

if they don't embrace all

of the eternal contradictions.”

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The image of who I haunt will haunt me today for certain. You are incredibly talented Sherman. Thanking that prisoner... J

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Stunning poetry as usual

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