Can’t believe I have the gall to make a suggestion to SA, but here goes. Would you consider replacing “the ultimate” with “a half-assed”? Feels like it might paint the picture with a different sort of stroke of the brush.

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I liked being raised Catholic. I went to an integrated grammar school in the midst of Jim Crow in the mid 50s. We didn’t wear uniforms so the local people who hated integration and Catholics couldn’t single us out as we walked to school. Every Friday afternoon we studied poems and pictures. We had to memorize each. I still remember many, Abu Ben Adam, Captain My Captain, etc. I fell in love with Millet and his paintings of humble peasants. It was a righteous education in many ways.

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I love your writing.

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Love "the ultimate social worker"

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Beautifully done. Thank you!

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Don't know if I read the first/last iteration, but I sure do love this version. It's funny, it's full of heart, it's educational, and it feels honest. Thank you.

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Nice, nice, very nice.

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I think religion is one of your best subjects. (Don’t ask me how many best subjects there are. I’m not keeping count.) The two ex-nuns on the reservation - the opposites - provide a gentle but critical way of describing the different ways Catholicism presents itself. I was lucky and got more than 50% of the kind side. I love the way the mantis brings this to a close with all that complexity intact.

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Sherman, you bring so much to the table, even in a short piece. I love the authenticity and transparency in your voice, always. Also I worry about/for you since, you know, but you seem to be fine. Hope you’re gettin in some walks, in the rain❤️

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Funny and true, which is always...=the best I get to read! Thanks Sherman.

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I’m your kinda Catholic! This says it all…thanks! And seems to be something that connected with a lot of people who left comments.

“You wanna know my theology? I believe that every living thing on Earth has a soul. I also believe in the goodness of Jesus but I'm about 82% sure that he was only human—that he was the ultimate social worker. When it comes to Eucharist, the body and blood are just bread and wine to me. But my disbelief doesn't mean that I disrespect Eucharist. I'm in awe of the Catholic belief that the bread and wine transform into the tangible flesh and blood of Jesus, even as I don't believe in that transformation. Their holy is not my holy. Their metaphors are not my metaphors.”

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I like these more serious elements you added, because the contrast with the funny parts adds depth to the piece. Bit of signature Alexie to me, and one of the reasons I like reading your work so much.

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Wow. Love reading these small details about your life. And about the realities of the reservation, etc. Didn't know you went to Gonzaga. The great basketball school!

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I bet your granny and grumpa are going to love this ...... me, too.

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Sherman, These are a few of my favorite lines in "Higher Education." The hippie was so magical that we brought her broken birds to heal. // Jesus was the ultimate social worker.//Money is always secular. And my secular self couldn't have gone to college if it wasn't free.//Mantises do the opposite of praying. They don't pray; they prey.// As always, thank you for your stories and poems. They inspire me.

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The hippie nun was a lovely & believable character.

(As was the mean one! The dichotomy of Catholicism.)

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Feels like a woven tapestry - body and soul, faith and irony, pain and laughter. Nicely done!

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I'm not a superstitious person, but i believe that if you see a bee, no matter yellow or red, and try to remain calm, they won't sting you.

The story's like this: one day during my BA period, a yellow bee came into our classroom while the professor was teaching and the windows were open. My classmates tried to push it out but i remained calm. When class was finished, she asked me "How were you so calm during that incident ??" And i answered: "i WAS afraid, but i remained calm so that it wouldn't sense my fear".

P. S.: I still don't know how they sense these, but when you're angry or afraid, bees are more likely to attack you. Fortunately, i haven't been stung by a red bee (i've heard it's more painful, and occasionally fatal), only once by a yellow bee (turns out i'm not allergic to bee stings).

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