Man, that really swings! In the rooms the salmon come and go speaking of Shermangelo

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The beauty in your telling is that we all now carry a shard of that beautiful spirit within our hearts. Fly free dear Ya-Ya Fire.

What a poignant tale of her honor.

Thank you

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"I think the most important things happen when it’s quiet"...so lovely to hear from Thomas again, and about Victor and Yaya Fire. Thank you for this story. πŸ’›πŸŒŸπŸŒ…

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The beauty is her power when she told you she’s always with you.

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<3 I love this piece so much.Thank you. the Salmon Ghost, The Fire. Yaya-Fire.

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Sometimes . . . Jesus, that was good.

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Please let this new draft be a sequel for "Smoke Signals." Love hearing more about Thomas and Victor. Rest in peace, Grandmother Builds-The-Fire.

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Sometimes, it’s a good day to swim the river eternal.

perfection, Thanks again!

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<3 Salmon Ghost <3

Loved hearing from Thomas Builds-the-Fire and Victor again. Keep flipping, guys

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So vivid, and what a great story.

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It was a good day to remember Thomas, Grandmother, Victor, and the girls driving backwards. I miss my landline, hundreds of former students had that number and I hoped to hear from them. One did call, during the covid year, Michael Malone. But on the other hand, I now have two restored classic typewriters. From an old friend who resurfaced with gifts. Thanks.

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This further tale of about Thomas is so touchingly beautiful. Read it post β€˜Butler Incident’ and it cheered me. Also, I enjoyed this better than a recent read: David Seals’ follow up to β€˜Pow Wow Hiway’ called, β€˜Sweet Medicine’.

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"Skin peeled back spines unbroken" When my father died, was actually murdered, "legally " murdered by his wife and her son who murdered me at the same time, our skin was peeled back. I stayed with Daddy every minute, for every scan, every procedure (until his wife and her son had me removed from the hospital so I could not fulfill my promise to him never to leave him). I saw the bone scan and I told my father I would recognize you by your skeleton. I can see even by the picture of your skeleton that it is you, Daddy.

The assimilation tried to disappear us, the schools tried to disappear us, government, society, hidyory, those 2nd wives and their bastard sons by virtue of spousal privilege have tried to disappear us but our skeletons will call from the graves and from our ancestors forever and We Will Still Be Here.

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It took a long time for me to get to this one. It took me a long time to read. Because I read it slow. I read it slow, twice. Each time my heart lurched and burned and ached and once a smile or two, but underneath everything I felt there are many tears, plus mine, swimming in a no-dam salmon river...

I'm imprinted...

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