Another wonderful poetry prompt. When it is my turn to present, we shall see what everyone's path looks like! May I share your poem with the group? We always make sure we write the following: "Used for educational purposes only."

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And one more thing

In my nearly 29, 200 years in this dreamland

I for sure took my share of

poorly designed pathways

They beckon with their preponderance and no

lack of company and they work for some people

Gotta take some steps to find out/not so many with age

Listen to the answer to

What do you want to be when you grow up

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What an incredible poem! <3

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Change of address inside our souls 💚

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Wonderful !

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Thank you for putting a tiny bit of current events into your work. I always wonder how we just keep on with our respective art, writing, teaching, and ignore what's happening in the big world outside our own little worlds. This piece perfectly took tiny pieces of outside nausea into our own journeys that we all take in one form or another. Especially speaks to me, as I am facing a challenging move and change of address etc filling out change of address cards nightmare with PO. I second what everyone is saying - so much depth, beauty, humor, soul. Thank you.

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so right on

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Nicely read.

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"...We can

only fill out our change of address

cards—the ones inside our souls—

and follow the path that we make next."

The last line opened a path into my heart. Thank you, Sherman

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And again, I so appreciate the heart in this poem, but also the humour. So much depth. So much beauty.

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Beautifully written. Thank-you!

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This is an exquisite poem. Nothing that the WH says will alter reality. The land, the people—all is as it is. The new, old, ancient no-name land of our selves and the earth.

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That was supposed to say LOVELY poem!

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