Article voiceover
You're a lone tree, still standing after a lightning strike. It appears that you've endured the worst but peel back the bark and you'll see the flames of want, need, and doubt burning you from the inside out.
You're a lone tree, still standing after a lightning strike. It appears that you've endured the worst but peel back the bark and you'll see the flames of want, need, and doubt burning you from the inside out.
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What a wonderful poem. I love being able to read them and listen to you read them. It's amazing how reading a poem can indicate what needs to be changed. I wonder was it the word, want, you changed?
My house has had two direct lightning hits over about twenty years. The last one, about nine months ago, blew our telephone apart (yes, I live in a rural location so still have the mythical land line). My husband was within a few feet of the detonating plastic, so it was a bit of a shock (he was not hurt).
I think so many us feel like a lone tree that endures, hiding our wounds inside. We think everyone is else is doing better than us, but we're all papering over our scars, and doing our best day to day.
Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at this writing stuff?? 😉😊🙏❤️