I have Covid—my second bout in this era—and have been down all week. I shall resume regular posting soon.
In the meantime, here’s a poem by AA Ammons that perfectly describes my life right now.
Cold Rheum
You can't
tell what's
snot from
what's not.
Covid sucks. I hope you kick it quickly.
Here's my mother's favorite cold-related poem:
When you kiss your honey
When your nose is runny
You might think it's funny
But it's snot.
ah. sucks, big time. my condolences for having to go through this. i, being an elder, have tended to be a hermit of late. better that than go through all the other stuff. will soon get another booster and perhaps venture out into society. of course one of the perks of being elder is that no one really expects you to venture out. if you are still in the game, well, one must. but, then, i live in texas…so, we shall see. recuperate, get a booster…all those things. we do not get younger. we just get older. not a bad thing. just is.